D. The Executive Vice President for Health Sciences

The Office of the Executive Vice President for Health Sciences possesses line authority from the President and Board of Directors for all academic and administrative activities of the Medical Center. The Executive Vice President is responsible for the educational, research and service programs, for other functions and activities as they may exist now or arise, and for the recommendation and implementation of all policies and regulations established by the President and Board of Directors. The Executive Vice President has multi-campus and University policy roles, including service in the President’s Cabinet; is the Affirmative Action Officer for the Medical Center Campus; and has direct responsibility for all Medical Center activities including:

  1. Coordinating academic programs in the Medical Center Schools1:
    • The School of Health
    • The School of Medicine
    • The School of Nursing

  1. The School of Health and School of Nursing operate as organizational components of the Medical Center but with unique links to the Office of the Provost in their undergraduate and graduate programs.