Faculty Governance Bodies

The University as a whole and its principal administrative units have faculty committees that determine academic policy and advise the academic administrators on a range of issues. These bodies are established to insure full faculty participation in matters of broad university interest by sharing responsibility with the Administration and Board of Directors in the conduct of university affairs.

1.  University Faculty Senate

The University Faculty Senate has members from all three campuses. It formulates academic policy at the University level, and advises the President and Board of Directors on central fiscal and administrative decisions that affect the mission of the University. The President and other officers of the Senate are elected by the Senate. The Constitution of the Faculty Senate is Section III.E. of the Faculty Handbook.

2.  Campus Executive Faculties

Each campus has an Executive Faculty which, within the scope of its authority as defined by its constitution (or equivalent governance document), formulates academic policy for the campus as a whole. Their members are selected in different manners, according to their constitutions, from across the campuses they govern. All three advise the Provost or Executive Vice President for their campus on fiscal and administrative matters as well as academic policies. The Executive Vice President of the Law Center chairs the Law Center Executive Faculty. The Chair of the Main Campus Executive Faculty is elected by its members. The Chair of the Medical Center Executive Faculty is the elected Chair of the Medical Center Caucus.

3.  School Executive Councils

Each school on the Main Campus has an Executive Council that is the educational policy making body for that school. Members of the Executive Councils are selected from across the school they govern by the procedure specified in their constitution. The Dean of the School is the Chair of its Executive Council.